Tag Archives: tea


I am drinking cold tea.

Sometimes I really like winter. I mean the real thing, not the Washington-kind-of-winter-where-all-the-seasons-kind-of-slowly-run-into-one-another-like-a-wet-painting kind, but the seasonal stuff, the kind that has 10 degree wind chills.  There is something endearing and charming about being wrapped in a thick, knitty, multicolored scarf, and a hat with a little foo-ball on the top, and those mittens that convert into fingerless gloves.

But then there’s cold tea…

which, like I previously mentioned, I am drinking at this moment.

It started when I knew I could no longer put off my studies to prepare for my impending 8:00 quiz. This kind of pressure always make me hungry. Does that ever happen to you? Since the muffins are gone, and there is no chocolate to be found, I boiled some water for tea.

I am done with my terrrrrribly depressing reading…

which is why the tea is cold, and I am sad (and slightly paranoid, I might add).

(Brain tumors, seizures, Multiple Sclerosis, Strokes, Myasthenia Gravis, ALS, Parksinson’s Disease, morbid obesity, (that doesn’t fit- eh?) and plain old PAIN)

I hate reading the “clinical manifestations” the most. It makes my hypochondrical tendencies worse, which is why I am writing to you about cold tea.

Distraction is super and this blog is kind of nuts.

:::This is my brain on nursing school:::

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