Tag Archives: fashion

since i could no longer resist.


i have fought it for two years now… but with some shame, i must admit that during thanksgiving break, i finally succumbed.

she’s in skinny jeans people and NO, they do not actually make you look skinnier. just your ankles.

so hooray for skinny ankles and for letting your skinny-jean-hating-devotee-self be worn down as you stand by and watch as one by one those you hold dearest, give in without remorse.

crap. i can’t believe that i let the fashion market redefine what i actually consider wearable. they are so relentless. i guess it happens to the best of us? i do have my limits… (cough cough, fake throat clearing, ‘summer’)

but my skinny jeans? they’re just so darn cute.


Filed under my random life